Tuesday, January 17, 2012

There Are Way Too Many T-Shirts in the World

There are way too many t-shirts in the world. That's a given. They're like Tribbles.

Because I do a lot of trail runs, I seem to collect more and more t-shirts all the time, but I seldom get rid of any. Seriously, I have bags of them in the basement - which is a separate issue that will be dealt with down the road.

And because I run a couple times a week, and work from home as a writer, I justify (to myself only) having lots of t-shirts. Hence, I have two t-shirt drawers that look like this...

But the thing is, I have a few favorite t-shirts I use a lot, for running or wearing, and the others just sit there - forlorn I might add (I am a writer, after all). With my new found skills as a minimizer, I thought I would work some magic on the t-shirt drawer.

Step one, take everything out of the two drawers and place it on the bed...

Step two, place back in the drawer the good t-shirts that I actually like and wear. The rest go in a donation bag and get dropped off today. No waiting, today! And the result is a lower drawer of running shorts that looks like this...

And a drawer of everyday t-shirts and coolmax running shirts that looks like this...

That was so easy and so much fun that I took on the sock and underwear drawers next. Everything came out of the drawers and onto the bed...

The result was a sock drawer where everything fits, and look, more room.

And last but not least, the underwear drawer.

What, he only has five pair of underwear?

No, actually, I have more, but they are in the laundry. Still, after my purge and minimization, only the best go back in the drawer and the drawer remains uncrowded and usable.

Sure, it's scary to get rid of t-shirts and underwear, but it can be done. That's why we have washing machines people, right?

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