Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Flat Surface Challenge

Before I get to the insidious piles of random paper I took from off, under, and near the desk in my office, I felt I needed to continue making my writing area functional again by dealing with the two bookcases in the room.

As I am on the path to becoming a minimalist I know I will eventually have to attack my book addiction, but for now I want to just stop the madness of making every flat surface a repository for whatever I am tired of carrying around. One of the minimalist ideas I like is "A place for everything... everything in its place." Yes, an old adage, but true nonetheless.

There are no set rules in minimalism, but a good guideline when it comes to books is that if your bookcase holds thirty books, when you bring in book number thirty-one, then it is time to pass along a book to someone else. Simple, right? One in one out. I can do that. But the bigger problem for me is just laying "stuff" down wherever I find a flat surface. Thus, I want to end that practice today.

Here are the before pics of the two bookcases in my office.

The big stack of paper buried under the label maker is my novel that I have not been editing because I HATE working in the office. Now that my desk is clean, I feel more at peace and creative in the office, and am in fact typing this while sitting at my minimalist desk. Yes, it remains uncluttered as seen in the previous entry and I plan to keep it that way.

This is the other bookcase in the office. I also note that the little flip-calendar was last updated on 6 July, 2011. Again, probably the last time I felt at ease in the office.

Later today I will do the reveal on these two bookcases.


  1. I like your blog. A year ago I "minimalized" my life by getting the number of my processions down to 100. So a pair of socks counted as 1 thing. My computer another. Each movie counting as one as well. It was the toughest process, but once I got my 100 things, I donated the rest of my stuff and haven't looked back. It was definitely freeing. Looks like you're on the same track!


    1. Jordan, I appreciate the comment. Simplifying my life seemed almost impossible until I started reading about people that had done it. I'm not sure if I can easily get down to 100 things, but that is a great goal to shoot for.

      I know that every step I have taken in minimizing and simplifying has made me feel more energized and creative.


  2. I laughed when I read: for now I want to just stop the madness of making every flat surface a repository for whatever I am tired of carrying around.

    I've often found something around the house and thought, clearly someone just got tired of caring this around. Or, in the office, it's always been, I'm not sure what to do with this so I'll put it here so I don't have to deal with it. I really love what you are doing here.

    I like Jordan's process of 100 items and respect people that can do that. I'm not sure I'm that kind of person! We always have the intention of 1 in, 1 out, but staying with it is the hard thing.
