Sunday, January 15, 2012

Minimizing Paper and Doing Yoga - The Result

This is what I started with today. When I finished going through this batch of papers and stuff, I brought more in. In between every box I did some yoga and stretching.

And below is what I ended up with... two big bags of paper and junk for the recycling and trash bins. As I expected, most of the papers in the first few boxes of stuff from the office was junk mail, old receipts, and hard copy bills and statements, etc...

That said, in among the old catalogs, power bill statements, drafts of school papers and whatnot, I also found my marriage license, some stamps, and a few other items that I think need to be kept or followed up on.

So now, these pieces of paper are in some file boxes I already had in the office that can be taken down and gone through. The files have labels on the front: Action, File, Bills, Reading, and Follow up. I probably will go through these files again and cut them down to Action, File, and Reading in the next couple of days. Eventually, I would like to minimize and simplify to the point where even these bins are unnecessary.

And as far as the yoga, it went alright. I am a bit sore from my eight mile trail run yesterday, and my flexibility makes me think I have early onset rigor mortis, but you have to start somewhere.

Now it's off to the airport to pick up my wife who is returning from a week of work in Hawaii (I know, tough job site). I started this whole minimalism thing while she was away. She's given her blessing, though, and has even offered to guest blog.

Hopefully I didn't toss anything she "really needed". That would be bad.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure you tossed something I needed, but better one thing I needed than 100 we don't need. Hopefully... I always end up tossing something I need later.
